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Friday, September 30, 2011

Health Insurance Exemptions ~ Dhimmitude

Word of the Day: Dhimmitude
Dhimmitude is the Muslim system of controlling non-muslim populations conquered through jihad. Specifically, it is the TAXING of non-muslims in exchange for tolerating their presence AND as a coercive means of converting conquered remnants to islam.
The ObamaCare bill is the establishment of Dhimmitude and Sharia muslim diktat in the United States . Muslims are specifically exempted from the government mandate to purchase insurance, and also from the penalty tax for being uninsured. Islam considers insurance to be "gambling", "risk-taking" and "usury" and is thus banned. Muslims are specifically granted exemption based on this.
In our article "More Malarkey About Health Care," we wrote that some religious groups may indeed be considered exempt from the requirement to have health insurance. The law defines exempt groups using the definition from 26 U.S. Code section 1402(g)(1), which describes the religious groups currently considered exempt from Social Security payroll taxes. Eligible sects must forbid any payout in the event of death, disability, old age or retirement, including Social Security and Medicare.
Since we posted our article, we’ve obtained a list through the Freedom of Information Act of all the groups that have successfully applied for exemptions from payroll taxes. (We have posted the Excel file here.) The overwhelming majority of them are explicitly Anabaptist — that is, Mennonite, Amish or Hutterite. Those that don’t specify their denomination are still explicitly Christian. Having gone through the list, we can say with certainty that no Muslim group, and indeed no non-Christian group, has ever qualified for an exemption under the statute used to define exempt religious groups in the health care law.
Nor are they likely to want to, says Ibrahim Hooper of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, which opposes discrimination and defamation against Muslims. "I’ve never even heard it brought up as an issue," Hooper told us. "I have health insurance. We give health insurance to our employees. Every Muslim group I know of does the same thing." Hooper told us that he has seen some Muslims raise religious objections to life insurance, but not health insurance, and that, in fact, providing health coverage is very much in line with Islamic ideals of social justice.
As for "dhimmitude," it’s a politically charged academic concept, not a tenet of Muslim faith. The term was coined by scholar Bat Ye’or to describe the condition of the "dhimmis," protected non-Muslims living in Muslim empires starting in the 7th century. Dhimmi populations, Ye’or says, were allowed by their lands’ Muslim conquerors to keep property and practice their faith, as long as they paid a poll tax. It is Ye’or’s assertion that the condition of dhimmitude still persists in countries under shari’a law, and that, furthermore, it is spreading worldwide. In particular, she says, Europeans are accepting a state of dhimmitude and moving toward becoming "Eurabia." This position is controversial, and Ye’or is not secretive about her political commitments. For instance, she is a vocal supporter of Geert Wilders, the Dutch politician who was once banned from the United Kingdom because of his inflammatory anti-Islam views. For the e-mail to present "dhimmitude" as an established Muslim value rather than a scholarly concept from an author with open political commitments is misleading.
Finally, the e-mail repeats one other claim we’ve debunked before. It says that "I … will face hard prison time because I refuse to buy insurance or pay the penalty tax." This is false. The House version of the bill left open the possibility of criminal penalties for deliberately evading a tax for not having health insurance, but the Senate version did not, nor did the final law.
Jess Henig

The dhimmi condition can only be understood in the context of jihad because it originates from this ideology. Muslim, as well as non-Muslim scholars, from the 7th century through the present, have aknowledged that all the lands from Portugal to Central Asia that constituted the Muslim Empires were conquered by Muslim armies. These vast territories were neither populated by Arabs - except in specific regions bordering the deserts – nor by Muslims.  Around the Mediterranean, the population was Christian and Jewish. Along with other religious groups,  Jews and Christians also lived  in Iraq, Persia, and Arabia.


Beginning in the eighth and ninth centuries, Muslim theologians and jurists endeavored to give to the jihad – a war of conquest -  a religious and legal structure.  Living during and after the great wave of Arab-Muslim expansion on mainly Christian lands, they built their theory of jihad on  their interpretations of the Koran and the hadiths (the sayings and acts attributed to the prophet Muhammad).  Thus they elaborated the concept and doctrine of  jihad that established the relationship between Muslims and non-Muslims in terms of belligerency, temporary armistices, or submission.  The aims, tactics and strategies of jihad were defined, as well as the specific rules concerning the troops, the compulsory conditions for treaties, the treatment of prisoners, and the division of the booty.  This conceptualization of war led to a considerable literature that constituted the classical doctrine of jihad, which was fixed, from the mid-eighth century onward, in comprehensive theological and legal treatises.
Among the infidel peoples there are differences. Those who do not possess Revealed Scriptures - and all Arabs - have, in theory, the choice between Islam or death. The others ‑ principally the Jews and Christians ‑ are granted protection status, according to the modalities of the conquest. They become dhimmis ‑ people protected by the law of Islam, by a dhimma.

*also through reliable truth detectors: Health Insurance Exemptions

Contributes: Jess Henig, Brown University C.V. Starr Foundation Lectureship and

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Sinking of a Ship that Never Sailed

No longer will Americans wanting to hop aboard the USS Barack H. Obama  where a thick layer of red paint script the words "The Messiah"  on his love boat.

Soon the ship will sink and all his blow hard "Hope and Change"(his choice name for Socialism)  will fall to the ocean floor.

Oh sure he will still be looked up as the "First Black- or is it The First Bi-Colored- or is it The First Illegal President" written in Liberals New Testament of American History books that will soon be passed to our children's history classes, more ammunition for the already brainwashed teachers to soak student's spongy brains to the re-established American History through the eyes of Liberals not by our true Founding Fathers. 

Not to mention, Liberals will write and sell many books about him, not sure if it will be of all but 10 pages worth, because we all know he accomplished nothing but disaster! 
Yes we can be assure there will be many books, all fairy tales and fictional.
Although we have to give him kudos that he has stripped away the long famed President Jimmy Carter's title as the Worse President Ever.  But I must tried to resist and take it easy on Jimmy, I happen to like peanut butter!

Sure not to worry,  President Obama will still have a multi-million dollar sweat shop  I mean, Library named after him right next to President Bill Clinton. 
Not that Mr. Clinton would appreciate the Obama mosque being next to him or even near him for that matter.

But the saddest thing from the 2012 elections will be the face of Michelle.  She will no longer have our tax payers open checkbooks for her to spend and explore the world with jets and luxury items and for her green spending on exotic plant seeds to plant around the White House...  I'm also pro-green as well, when it comes to fewer taxes and me spending and investing more of my green backs!  
Psssst. For Barack and Michelle's sake, check the back of the House for long skinny leafy spiked green plants, may be called 'wild oregano' to the south.

The Fantasy of a President in Tights.

The audacity to believe the job of a president should be a modern day Robinhood. 

Since when is it the responsibility of rich people to support the "poor?" 
This president not only violates the freedom to become "all you can be" in America, but to think he can pass the buck onto the rich people for what the government has failed to encourage, is mere  fantasy. 

President Obama doesn't have a clue to what he would be doing to this country if this becomes his only plan. 

First of all, this country would be bearing the dumbest people in the world. 
Tell me, what is the incentive to go to college if your government takes away what you worked hard for through your college years?  Can you imagine trying to become a doctor? a lawyer? a Engineer ? or a Scientist?
All those hard learning years and not to mention the tuition that was racked up? How do you expect a doctor to repay his/her loans and support the less fortunate by the time they retire? 
Instead of concentrating on job creation Obama is looking for hand-outs or should I say, robbing from the rich  to take and give to the "poor".

Here's an idea.
In order to bail out the governmental failures why not mandate the mediators, loosen up the EPA standards (a lot) and start digging for our own resources!
Hundreds of thousands of jobs will be created from the explorers to the gas pump attendees, not to mention the deficit and the bills that will be paid by this over-spending government through oil sales, instead of having it shipped in to us by countries that quite frankly don't like us because we believe in a Free society. 

Come down off your throne Mr. President and meet the real people you are suppose to serve. Otherwise, step away and let real men or women to fix what YOU broke, not the previous administration, that excuse is old now. 
You had your "HOPE and CHANGE" for years to make things better, instead, you made things worse for America!