Are you surprised? As true Californian Liberal idiocy continues. Their leader and one of many airheads in the House, Nancy Pelosi fumbles to answer the question by a reporter about the late term abortion case of abortionist, dr. Kermit Gosnell.
So, she claims to be a practicing Catholic while preaching her spew about "women's rights" and that it is NOT a political thing to discuss. Really Nancy? You Liberal idiots have been harping on this for 5.4 years during this administration in a political motion to have Christian Churches to pay for abortions that would be included with part of your foolish socialist Healthcare bill.
The spew from this woman and other Liberals like her were indeed coming from people that were NOT Aborted by their parents! They(their parents) had their choice. I bet each of their parents believed what they knew is true, "abortions is murder."
As a Catholic, is it not against her belief about life rather than murder?
Would it not fall in, Commandment 6 "Thou Shall Not Kill?"
Well how about in the living words;
Job 31:15 "Did not He who made me in the womb make them? Did not the same One fashion us in the womb?"
Isaiah 49:15 "Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? yes, they may forget, yet will I not forget you."
When you people believe that there is no life in the womb in the first few weeks and say that the baby created wasn't meant to be alive? Who are you to say so?
Jeremiah 1:15 "Before I formed you in the belly I knew you; and before you came forth out of the womb I sanctified you, and I ordained you a prophet to the nations."
Psalms 139:14 "I will praise you; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are your works; and that my soul knows right well."
Should you NOT confess how hypocritical you are in professing you are a Christian/Catholic and yet spew of a "Women's right to murder a child." and without jail-time?
Nancy, you are a disgrace to the Christian World. God knows your agendas and what you truly preach in false pretense. As a Catholic, this issue should be transparent as to murder.
What ticks me off about these new democrats is that they all profess to be Christians or Catholics but yet spew about such Liberal non-moral and a Godless country. But yet, not considered as a political agenda.
While they are guilty of taking away prayer and God from schools to please the minority godless.
So Nancy Pelosi, Barack Hussein Obama and Harry Reid need to regress to who they are and what they say they believe in... They are all liars and deceivers for what? Personal Power and government control.
But what does Liberals know about God or Morals?? Certainly they don't stand for our God nor Country. Certainly they don't represent the right to live!
And before you weak-spine Liberals try calling me a hypocrite in loving Christ and not showing the love for others including you, for your information, I'm not perfect like Jesus and besides I don't hate people, I do however hate stupid actions and reactions from people like Pelosi and Reid and Obama!
If I come across as an angry American, good, I can only say that I am very passionate about my faith, the love for my country and the way you Liberals think jiving with the way our so called leaders of this free world is running it!
Let's get this straight, at least I believe in something and someone of most high, not like you Liberals believe in drugs, gay marriages, Hollywood stars, socialism and living as if you can sit around the dinning room table with the rest of the world and sing "Kumbaya" all day!
I am Francesco Cece, a Roman Catholic Patriot American, I am totally against all of Pelosi and Obama's socialist agendas!
God bless the United States of America!