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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Truth To Be Told. These Positions Should Be Filled By Honest American Candidates! He/She Should Preserve the Constitution and Keep Government Away From Changing Our Freedoms and TakeOvers.

As I mentioned in my previous post. 
I promised to include ALL those Republicans who stood with the Democrats to fund the unConstitutional Obamacare.

I hope all my fellow Republicans holding their privileged to vote cards in their hands, that they will remember these candidate’s names that  WE THE PEOPLE  voted in to represent us whom disappointed us in forcing the Obamacare they we all disagreed with including using and raising our taxes to fund this socialist European style disaster into our system.  These few voted for the CR that funded Obamacare!


U.S. Senate Roll Call Votes 113th Congress - 1st Session
as compiled through Senate LIST by the Senate Bill Clerk under the direction of the Secretary of the Senate.

Vote Summary
Question: On Passage of the Bill (H.R. 2775 As Amended )
Vote Number:
Vote Date:
October 16, 2013, 07:56 PM
Required For Majority:
Vote Result:
Bill Passed
Measure Number:
H.R. 2775 (Continuing Appropriations Act, 2014 )
Measure Title:
An act making continuing appropriations for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2014, and for other purposes.

Vote Counts:

The 27 Senate Republicans who voted for the CR:
-        Alexander (R-TN)
-        Ayotte (R-NH)
-        Barrasso (R-WY)
-        Blunt (R-MO)
-        Boozman (R-AR)
-        Burr (R-NC)
-        Chambliss (R-GA)
-        Chiesa (R-NJ)
-        Coats (R-IN)
-        Cochran (R-MS)
-        Collins (R-ME)
-        Corker (R-TN)
-        Fischer (R-NE)
-        Flake (R-AZ)
-        Graham (R-SC)
-        Hatch (R-UT)
-        Hoeven (R-ND)
-        Isakson (R-GA)
-        Johanns (R-NE)
-        Kirk (R-IL)
-        McConnell (R.-KY)
-        Moran (R-KA)
-        Murkowski (R-AK)
-        Portman (R-OH)
-        Thune (R-SD)
-        Wicker (R-MS)
 The 87 House Republicans who voted for the CR:
-        Bachus
-        Barletta
-        Benishek
-        Bilirakis
-        House Speaker John Boehner (R.-Ohio)
-        Boustany
-        Brooks (IN)
-        Buchanan
-        Calvert
-        Camp
-        Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R.-Va.)
-        Capito
-        Coble
-        Coffman
-        Cole
-        Cook
-        Cotton
-        Cramer
-        Crawford
-        Crenshaw
-        Daines
-        Davis, Rodney
-        Dent
-        Diaz-Balart
-        Fitzpatrick
-        Fortenberry
-        Frelinghuysen
-        Gardner
-        Gerlach
-        Gibson
-        Griffin (AR)
-        Grimm
-        Guthrie
-        Hanna
-        Harper
-        Hastings (WA)
-        Heck (NV)
-        Herrera Beutler
-        Issa
-        Jenkins
-        Joyce
-        Kelly (PA)
-        King (NY)
-        Kinzinger (IL)
-        Kline
-        Lance
-        Latham
-        LoBiondo
-        Sen. John McCain of Arizona
-        Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (R.-Calif.)
-        McHenry
-        McKeon
-        McKinley
-        Republican Conference Chairwoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R.-Wash.)
-        Meehan
-        Miller, Gary
-        Murphy (PA)
-        Nunes
-        Paulsen
-        Pittenger
-        Reichert
-        Ribble
-        Rigell
-        Rogers (KY)
-        Rogers (MI)
-        Ros-Lehtinen
-        Roskam
-        Runyan
-        Schock
-        Shimkus
-        Shuster
-        Simpson
-        Smith (NE)
-        Smith (NJ)
-        Stivers
-        Terry
-        Thompson (PA)
-        Tiberi
-        Tipton
-        Upton
-        Valadao
-        Webster (FL)
-        Whitfield
-        Wittman
-        Wolf
-        Womack
-        Young (AK)
-        Young (IN)

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Pink Slips for 2014! Liberal-minded Republicans and Fascist Democrats Failed to Listen to Americans!

The New Red Amerika flag 2014

It’s time to revisit all Republicans who are up for election in 2014 and send them all our messages of disappointment with their false leadership!

Once I get a full list of names of all the Republicans who voted to fund this unconstitutional Healthcare they will be on my list to “FIRE” for the next election.  They unconsciously agreed with the fascist democrats to continue to force revenue upon us all from our personal budgeting with socialist care.  
These few Republicans truly didn’t listen to the majority of Americans who opposes this un-American healthcare system upon us.

Why do you think they didn’t vote against it?
Simply because they are all exempt to using Obamacare for themselves and their families.  They think they are Superior and above us. 
Whose fault is it?  You are - the American voters!   You wanted “Hope and Change” well here you go.
Just Wait.  You think this country is in trouble now?  
Wait until we all have to pay for this. 
Wait until your jobs are eliminated because of it. 
Wait until you don’t have or can even afford any healthcare at all and finding out that this lovely government will bill you as a “penalty” for not owning any type of healthcare and continue to bill you every year thereafter! 
Yes!  More monies out of your pocket!  
And for someone making only $50,000 or less annually he/she will be severely hurt by all of this!
That means. These poor unfortunates will no longer be able to try to further their children’s education to go to college.
No more family vacations and no more luxury items such as cable or smart phones. 

You think you done the right thing by voting these people in office?  
Wait until it hits your personal pocket book.
Wait until you cannot feed your family and have to rely on government aid. 
Wait until the government takes over everything you owe and what you lived for. 
I hope you are all happy America.  Because YOU empowered these suits of self-centered and self-interest gluttons!
Did you ever ask yourself this? 
If there are no jobs to be filled, and the big corporation leave this country because of this new healthcare expense and this lovely government have no substantial revenue for your governmental aids, where then will the monies come from to support you and your family who are unemployed and keep getting billed by the government for not having any healthcare?   What will happen then?  China owning Amerika!  and run by Communist?

Because of their empowerment, soon these same traitors will take away more of our freedoms.
Beginning with the First, Second and Third Amendments!  
Just wait until you can no longer own a gun for protection.  Then you will see crime rising to its plateau and then all that you have protected is gone!

How did we forget who we are as Americans? 
How did we forget that WE THE PEOPLE rule this country not the politicians we voted for? 

When we give political officials the power, they will turn to rule against us!  No doubt,  Dictatorship is on its way! 

President Ronald Reagan warned us about this and it is now moving in totally polluting our American way of life.

The anti-Christ is indeed in office and the Islamic Sharia Laws lurks to come into America.
Why not?  You gave the government your ability and power to fight it.
You surrender to the government all of our freedoms we kept since our existence. 
Now educate yourself and deeply read what the Sharia Law in tales.   Not free at all!  Do you really think this cannot be written into law here in the States?
Well who would of thought that the European social healthcare system would be introduced and soon forced upon us here in the U.S.?

We will soon be seen as Red Amerika.  

Today – Christians need to pray against this or that Jesus will return very soon!

God Bless and Protect America against Obama and his Administration and the failed Republicans who continue to degrade your blessings!
Protect our children so that they will not face each other with poverty and a despair life as a third/*fourth world being ruled by wanna-be dictators.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Echo from My Previous Post : U.S. Senator David Vitter on Obamacare.

As what I mentioned in my previous post, why should this socialist type Obamacare be exempted from those of royalty in the White House?
As U.S. Senator David Vitter and I claim,  "for what the White House purpose on Americans should be practiced within."
No exemptions!  Another words for you who love government aiding, Obama and everyone in the White House should also be subjected to using his healthcare disaster.  Not one person nor one single exemption allowed.  If they are pushing this socialist medicine onto us, they should also be using it.

I bet if this bill comes to an effect, many politicians in the House would abstain to such a disastrous healthcare. 
Folks you need to know it doesn't work in any country that are using the same type of healthcare, what makes you think it is good for America?...

Oh, I know that answer.. it works for those of you lazy people who rather stay at home collecting unemployment and tax payer’s aid watching Oprah and The View rather than making a future for yourself and your kids.!   Otherwise, you would be knocking down the doors of the White House to help create jobs not increase further government spending!

There are indeed many ways the government can play a huge roll on creating jobs. 
Number one, open the Pipe-line.  Exploration and extract shale oil from Colorado, Utah and Wyoming.  We have more petroleum stored deep in our land than any other country of rich in oil. With the sales of our oil and the production of our own, we will surely create jobs and make it easier on our budget with reduce cost of fuel needed for consumers and corporations at the same time help pay down our country’s debts! 
Also, reduce taxes on big corporations who actually promote jobs.  Encourage corporation to increase production by implementing them with tax benefits!  To finally,  delete the idea of Obamacare which has already caused many jobs to disappear!
It’s that simple!