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Monday, July 22, 2013

Al Sharpton’s Biggest Cause: Himself

A great statement and written article by By Marta H. Mossburg from the Project to Restore America.

Friday, July 19, 2013

If anyone dies as a result of protests following the Zimmerman verdict, the Justice Department should charge Al Sharpton.
The self-anointed civil rights leader and talk show host has done everything but cry “fire!” in a crowded theatre to incite violence across the country both before and after the not guilty verdict of George Zimmerman in his trial for the second degree murder of 17-year old Trayvon Martin in Sanford, Fla.
The man who marched to force a trial that never should have happened in the first place and is marching again because he can’t accept the verdict never lets facts get in the way of his opinion, however. He compared Trayvon’s death to Jesus’ crucifixion and paints Zimmerman as a racist murderer whenever he’s in front of a microphone showing he couldn’t be bothered to examine the evidence.
Following the verdict on Friday he said on MSNBC, “Well, I think that this is an atrocity.”
He added, “This is a sad day in the country. I think that we clearly must move on to the next step in terms of the federal government and in terms of the civil courts.”
The death of Martin is tragic. George Zimmerman never should have gotten out of his car to approach him on that February night in 2012. But everything points to the fact that he shot Martin in self-defense. Sharpton should let the verdict rest instead of pushing for federal civil charges against Mr. Zimmerman that he knows the government does not have enough evidence to pursue.
Attorney General Eric Holder said as much the other day. Speaking in front of the NAACP Tuesday about the Zimmerman case, Mr. Holder did not say whether he would pursue federal charges. Instead, he criticized laws, known as “stand your ground,” that make it legally easier to defend yourself with deadly force outside your home. They “try to fix something that was never broken” and “senselessly expand the concept of self-defense and sow dangerous conflict in our neighborhoods,” he said. (Stand your ground was not a factor in the Zimmerman case.)
So far, dozens have been arrested in protests related to the verdict and a Hispanic man in Baltimore was severely beaten over the weekend by a mob of black teens who allegedly said they attacked him for Trayvon. Is this the justice for Trayvon that Mr. Sharpton wants?
More likely he wants to keep himself in the public eye as long as possible and after decades of exacerbating race relations he is just following a time-tested playbook. He is the man who over the years has slandered Jews, Mormons and homosexuals and uses “racist” like others use “happy” or “sad.” And 25 years after he named an assistant district attorney and a state trooper as rapists of Tawana Brawley, a young black girl, in a case that turned out to be a hoax, he won’t apologize. At the time he said asking Miss Brawley to talk with the state attorney general Robert Abrams would be “like asking someone who watched someone killed in the gas chamber to sit down with Mr. Hitler.” Sound familiar?
He knows, as H.L. Mencken wrote, “the public, with its mob yearning to be instructed, edified, pulled by the nose, demands certainties; it must be told definitely and a bit raucously that this is true and that is false.” And he has made a lucrative living out of it, moving from a wild-haired, pudgy street activist to a trim, polished social commentator with a fat paycheck.
Never mind that the story he continues to peddle of Martin’s death for being black and wearing a hoodie does not stand up to legal scrutiny. The more mythic a martyr he can make Trayvon the more he raises his profile just as he has throughout his career with other props for the cause of Sharpton.
He understands the more he repeats the story that Zimmerman attacked Martin because he was black – claims dismissed both by jurors and an FBI investigation – the more people will believe them. That is how psychology works. People also want coherence. As Daniel Kahneman writes in 2011’s “Thinking Fast and Slow,” “A large event is supposed to have consequences, and consequences need causes to explain them.”
For the sake of the blood waiting to be shed in protest of the Zimmerman verdict – Al Sharpton needs a cause other than himself.

Al Sharpton is pictured. | AP Photo

Friday, July 19, 2013

NAACP One Sided Mirror - Black for Black

In regards to the Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman case.
It's over and the verdict is in...  " Self Defense (period)! "
To the racist NAACP,  Get a grip and shut up!

Let me first say, that it is indeed always a tragedy when a young child is killed by fault or no fault, absolutely. To know their lives weren't fully lived as God intended.  Not one parent want to hear of his or her child being murdered. We certainly all grieve when we hear of it.

But what chaps my butt is when little organizations have nothing to do but to use the race card followed by a racist old man who has nothing to do himself but to try to get his name mentioned in the news,  because somehow and I have no idea what type of people would elect this guy as part of the political realm who only speaks out in defense for black people, never for all.

Never would we hear from this old man and his little organizations when a black man rapes and kills a young white woman or even about the more recent case of a young white man name Marley Lion killed by a thug black man Ryan Deleston as he attempts to rob a bar where it so happen that this bright young white innocent young man park his truck at the nearby parking lot where the robbery took place and then was shot and killed by this black man. This is not even in a self defense claim.

Do you Mr. Sharpton still believe that Mr.George Zimmerman is a white guy?  He's Mexican minority man.

You know what Mr. Sharpton get a grip and shut up!
Because I haven't heard a peep from you on any of the cases where black men killing white people!
You are not a fair man nor is the one-sided NAACP whom even by it's name are indeed racist and promote hatred and rioting!

I personally think you Mr. Sharpton and everyone in the NAACP embed in the minds of  black Americans to believe that the white people owe you because of the sad slavery days which was abolished at a very long time ago back in 1865 and by a white President! You promote nothing but hatred and false accusations against white people. Hence in rioting and criminal revenge.  Certainly educated black men like Bill Cosby, Herman Cain and Allan West don't follow your ideas.. They and many other black men who think like them are great examples of equality thinking!

First of all,  shame on all of you who think you deserve to get a free ride because of color of skin!

In regards to "self defense" if any man, black, white or purple people eaters think he or she is going to take me down, you betcha that I will use all things in my defense to shut him down, with a gun or with my bare hands, it is my right to do so!

And with that Mr. Sharpton and to the NAACP it's called self defense, not a racial thing.

This was Marley Lion gunned down by a BLACK MAN!
Marley Lion Murder Draws Comparisons To Trayvon Martin
This is the Thug that Killed Him...

Monday, July 1, 2013

Disgrace to the Traditional American Culture

Starke Florida - On June 29th, 2013 where a monument of  the Ten Commandments stood proud for 30 something years at the Bradford County Courthouse, was desecrated by the new wave of Atheists.

Atheist Liberal David Silverman of the American Atheist sets their very first exclamation of  "meaning nothing" stone beside the older granite that lists the Ten Commandments where it reminds all that God's words are the basis of the laws of this land. 

This expensive rock stands for nothing but the beginning of showing how ugly America has become omitting an American Tradition to believing in the words " In God We Trust. " This event gives more reasons for Christians to continue to fight against the meltdown of our society. 

Without God, we surely can say goodbye to raising kids to be good humans with morals and traditions to follow which has existed in this country for over 200+ years. This new wave of  Atheism and Liberalism falls below standards of true Americans. We are better than that. 

Our first president had a clear understanding to what America is based upon when he added in one of his greatest historical and inspirational speeches he delivered;

“It is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favor."
~ First President of the United States of America, George Washington

President Ronald Reagan had warned us about  the Liberals and the anti-Christ. Truly becoming a nation going under!
Today it is more evident to what Reagan had warned us about in our society and it's slow fade to ending who we are as Americans from the beginning. These liberals and anti-Christ are the foul smell of garbage in our society.

Who can we blame?  Or better yet, who do they credit? 
"Yes You Can!"  
The blame goes to non-other than the Liberal leaders like Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, the late Ted Kennedy and the failing few Republicans who pander to such traders in our country.  As they also spew garbage of Liberalism and push a quickly oppressed nation with the war against Christianity.

Word is it that they plan to build another 50 of these pieces of garbage stones around the country to further inject hatred directly into this lack of faith generation.

As this non scholar continues to spew his idiocy little does he know a true Christian.
Since he declares on his little stone that the American Atheist cares for life and people above Christians.

Let's point out to Mr. Silverman, Christians helps the sick and help build hospitals all over the world! 
Far from what he and his little stone can accomplish!

Christians who prays over our dead in hope for a beautiful ending is not a bad thing!
Mr. Silverman would you prefer to have your soul to wake up in fire burning Hell? Wouldn't it be nicer to have believers to think their soul is saved from the fires?  And you call yourself a man of  " humanity?"

For the funds they spend on these outrages stones, why aren't " they " contributing to hospitals and the poor instead of  trying to make a name for themselves based on, well - nothing?

Silverman fails to know that Christians are not short to reach in their pockets to help concur diseases caused by homosexuality and multiple-sexuality for AIDS support.  The Cancer foundations were born and supported by Christians.
You seem not know that Christians collect funds to feed the poor every day during their services and masses. So for you to assume that your "deeds" go beyond a Christian spirit of love and compassion for others is such a farce,  you can only represent false accusations for your cultist group! 

By-the-way Mr. Silverman, if you are for life, than why do you support Abortions??  Clearly your parents did not have your same idealism to abort you! 

Mr. Silverman, we know you have a weak spine, but through the existence of  the human race War is imminent no matter where or what the causes are in part of survival. Whether you like it or not WAR will always be alive and out of our control.   You just can't keep fantasizing that people all over the world can sit in a huge table smoke a little dope hold hands and sing Kumbya all day!!!  It isn't possible because of all of our differences in culture and religion and even things you spew with this American Atheist poo poo!

God Bless America! 

Picture of Silverman below walking on the Ten Commandments disrespectfully.
Atheists Unveil Own Monument Near Ten Commandments in Front of Bradford County, Florida, Courthouse; Promise 50 More Across U.S.

David Silverman on his stone of wasteful energy and gay smile!