It's over and the verdict is in... " Self Defense (period)! "
To the racist NAACP, Get a grip and shut up!
Let me first say, that it is indeed always a tragedy when a young child is killed by fault or no fault, absolutely. To know their lives weren't fully lived as God intended. Not one parent want to hear of his or her child being murdered. We certainly all grieve when we hear of it.
But what chaps my butt is when little organizations have nothing to do but to use the race card followed by a racist old man who has nothing to do himself but to try to get his name mentioned in the news, because somehow and I have no idea what type of people would elect this guy as part of the political realm who only speaks out in defense for black people, never for all.
Never would we hear from this old man and his little organizations when a black man rapes and kills a young white woman or even about the more recent case of a young white man name Marley Lion killed by a thug black man Ryan Deleston as he attempts to rob a bar where it so happen that this bright young white innocent young man park his truck at the nearby parking lot where the robbery took place and then was shot and killed by this black man. This is not even in a self defense claim.
Do you Mr. Sharpton still believe that Mr.George Zimmerman is a white guy? He's Mexican minority man.
You know what Mr. Sharpton get a grip and shut up!
Because I haven't heard a peep from you on any of the cases where black men killing white people!
You are not a fair man nor is the one-sided NAACP whom even by it's name are indeed racist and promote hatred and rioting!
I personally think you Mr. Sharpton and everyone in the NAACP embed in the minds of black Americans to believe that the white people owe you because of the sad slavery days which was abolished at a very long time ago back in 1865 and by a white President! You promote nothing but hatred and false accusations against white people. Hence in rioting and criminal revenge. Certainly educated black men like Bill Cosby, Herman Cain and Allan West don't follow your ideas.. They and many other black men who think like them are great examples of equality thinking!
First of all, shame on all of you who think you deserve to get a free ride because of color of skin!
In regards to "self defense" if any man, black, white or purple people eaters think he or she is going to take me down, you betcha that I will use all things in my defense to shut him down, with a gun or with my bare hands, it is my right to do so!
And with that Mr. Sharpton and to the NAACP it's called self defense, not a racial thing.
This was Marley Lion gunned down by a BLACK MAN!
This is the Thug that Killed Him...
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