A great wave of oppressive tyranny isn't going to strike, but rather a slow seepage of oppressive laws and regulations from within will sink the American dream of liberty. Today the tyrant rules not by club or fist, but disguised as a market researcher, he shepherds his flocks in the ways of utility and comfort. As President Thomas Jefferson once said, " Rebellion to tyranny is obedience to God."
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Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Friday, November 22, 2013
Violent Game Lead To Silence from Racial Groups. A "knockout" to Black Leaders!
Calling Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and Maxine Waters, are you all out for a long coffee break on this?
When it comes to race verses race you are all up the podium to scream to the “whitey” that killed a black individual. But when it comes to black on white crimes, you are all hiding, silent and not drawing attention from your liberal media to point out racial discrimination!
Black thugs, as seen below in the video, play a game called “knockout” or “Polar hunting.” Where in a cowardly fashion, these thugs come from behind to violently surprise the victims of this not-so-funny game, that should lead them all to serving a long jail time.
They victimizing women and defenseless old men and women. My hope they will be stopped by our law enforcement or better yet they should all be met with someone who are prepared to defend themselves with a weapon!

Sorry, but if you’re black or white and you play this game against any innocent person on the street, you deserve a deep repercussion, not loud mouth liberal NAACP leaders and other anti-white groups to come out and speak words of racial profiling.
Justice need to be served to these thugs while they all consider this just a game that could lead to death of an innocent victim not expecting a vicious blow to the face or head.
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Knowing what you know today. Which Generation would you rather live in?
Take the poll :
Knowing what you know today. Which Generation would you rather live in?
The GI Generation which you would be born from 1901-1926.
The creative years of modern society. Where most of our ancestors seek to travel and settle in America for opportunity, a better life and freedom.
The years of all nationalities to come together and share their culture and knowledge and the will to work for their family and country.
Where people who became citizen were proud to be an American. The first test of American strength was endured as the historical WWI, the “European War” had begun on July 28 1914.
Where men without question volunteered to join the forces to protect America and were proud to do so. The war lasted for four years, ended in November 1918. America was seen by their military strength and power of determination.
A great generation, where the name of God and Jesus lived in everyone’s home and prayer of thanks and praises were given at the dinner table as well as churches.
Mature/Silent Generation which you would be born from 1927-1945.
As it was in the GI generation, but in a much harder living. A generation of survival and faith. After the greatest market crash of October in 1929, also known as “Black Tuesday” it became an historical Great Depression which lingered over each civilian for ten years.
Soup kitchen were needed for survival and millions lost their homes to which they lived in what was called later “Hooverville” named after President Herbert Hoover for providing shelter for millions.
Even gangster Al Capone had fed thousands as he also formed soup kitchens in the greater Chicago area.
After the depression in the year 1939, America was finally rebuilding, economy started to regain strength and people were slowly getting back to work.
Meanwhile, another test of faith and strength was tested, in December 7th, 1941 hundreds of Japanese fighter planes attacked the American Naval base at Pearl Harbor. Days later, World War II was on its way. WWII ended in September 2, 1945. Japan surrenders. The test of faith and strength was certainly evident in this generation.
Baby Boomers which you would be born from 1946-1964.
Post World War II. A generation of education, privileges, technology, wealth and known for redefining traditional values. The Boomers grew up in changing times where the social culture changed and became more conservative. However, church-goers began to decrease as the Boomers where too busy in their life style. In history, this generation have seen their share of American events, the Cuban Missile Crisis, the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, brother Robert Kennedy, and Martin Luther King Jr. The first walk on the moon. The civil rights movement, environmental movements (tree huggers), women’s movement, protests and riots, not to mention Woodstock.
Generation X which you would be born from 1965-1980.
A generation of highly educated, more active, learning to be tech savvy, computer programmers and Generation X represents a more apparently heterogeneous generation, openly acknowledging and embracing social diversity in terms of such characteristics as race, class, religion, ethnicity, culture, language, gender identity, and sexual orientation. Generation X are less likely to idolize leaders and are more inclined to work toward long-term institutional and systematic change through economic. Their drive of small businesses and the entrepreneurial have become one of the most popular institutions in America.
They have become more tolerant to other religious groups and known to switch faith even to their own self kingships.
Generation Y the Millennial babies which you would be born from 1981-2000.
A civic minded generation with a strong sense of community both local and global. Highly influential. Increasingly liberal attributes with regard to social and cultural issues. Overall support of liberal economic policies. They are less supportive of the economic safety net of conservative views and more likely supported of same-sex marriages and the legalization of drugs. They are more likely to support women’s choice and support government aiding for abortions and social healthcare system. Generation Y are less likely to support any wars and support less military presents in the fight of terrorist.
They resolve war solution with communication and aiding rather than military. But, Generation Y still have the influences of previous generations to balance traditional values and government policies.
My interpretation of this generation can result in the beginning of a terrible meltdown of our society if this type of generation continues to grow in the United States.
Generation Z which you would be born from 2001 and current.
The Obamanation’l zombies. Along with generation Y this generation are more aggressive in liberal views. They are a highly connected generation with all kinds of communications, from the World Wide Web to texting. Generation Z have become more passive, liberalized, more dependent on government aiding, a more multi-sexual culture, support same-sex marriages. They are influenced by the public school systems in environmental issues, global relations, Hollywood diets and atheism or other cults groups. In society they are a more influenced generations than any other in culture, Hollywood , and entertainers. They are driven with sports energy drinks loaded with caffeine and progressive herbs. They support legalizing marijuana . As this generation continues the dynamics of America can change forever, from the God fearing and God loving President George Washington to a highly liberal President Barack Obama in whom caters to the Muslim Brotherhood of the World.
They also had their experince in wars and terrorisms. From September 11, 2001 terrorist attack to the Iraq and Afghanistan war.
Generation R which would be (after Obama).
The generation that elects only political candidates to restore America with supporting a new bill in congress and law to change the limitations of stay in office to each candidates elected on a year to year election including a two year stay for presidents and members of congress. A Generation R supports less government spending. Limits welfare, abolish government healthcare systems and open to free markets. This generation supports government incentives to big businesses to employ more workers. Lessen EPA standards and open free drilling for shale oil and lessen the need for foreign oil.
Supports the increase of military. And supports to preserve all our Constitutions as it was originally written.
Generation G which would be a complete government takeover.
This generation will surrender their full freedom to the government. Open borders and global relationship with today non-allies of the United States. Generation G takes away God in every courtroom and historical monument. Supports socialism and communism. Allows fascism.
Generation A the Apocalypse generation. Let all and care none!
Thursday, November 14, 2013
The Low and Desperate Attempt to Gain Support for The Obamacare as it Continues to Fail
Just when you thought that the democrats and liberals played their last trump card to convince people that the Obamacare is right for them.
Today they will stoop so low in this society that has been turning their backs to God and good morals and living with broken family values, politicians are desperately trying to entice the younger crowd of the Obama-zombies to sign up for this failed European-style socialist healthcare which we already know is worth nothing but deeper deficits and less choices for doctors and care.
In a Obamacare website www.doyougotinsurance.com their advertisements showcases to young people that whatever they do from sex to a college or underage drinking binge, the Obamacare is there to help them to get back on their feet with a free social care programmed designed by the Obamacare, so that they can continue without feeling guilty.
It is not only degrading intelligent young college students but also separating family morals and beliefs just to gain momentum to this failing healthcare system that was in fact induced forcefully by this administration and congress. Certainly a total unconstitutional law that was injected by Liberal minded and larger government politicians, that don’t share this same socialist care for themselves.
Here are the degrading facts they advertise to entice students to sin and create less responsibly for their own actions.
A formula promotes a great way to abolish a young persons’ life to diseases and overdrinking and taking less responsibilities, because somehow Obama is there to rescue them!
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Sex with multi-partners is OK with the Obamacare~ you're covered! |
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Drinking Binge Ok with the Obamacare |
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