Calling Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and Maxine Waters, are you all out for a long coffee break on this?
When it comes to race verses race you are all up the podium to scream to the “whitey” that killed a black individual. But when it comes to black on white crimes, you are all hiding, silent and not drawing attention from your liberal media to point out racial discrimination!
Black thugs, as seen below in the video, play a game called “knockout” or “Polar hunting.” Where in a cowardly fashion, these thugs come from behind to violently surprise the victims of this not-so-funny game, that should lead them all to serving a long jail time.
They victimizing women and defenseless old men and women. My hope they will be stopped by our law enforcement or better yet they should all be met with someone who are prepared to defend themselves with a weapon!

Sorry, but if you’re black or white and you play this game against any innocent person on the street, you deserve a deep repercussion, not loud mouth liberal NAACP leaders and other anti-white groups to come out and speak words of racial profiling.
Justice need to be served to these thugs while they all consider this just a game that could lead to death of an innocent victim not expecting a vicious blow to the face or head.
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