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Monday, January 6, 2014


Here we are 2014 and the United States continues to seek a way out of all its debts.

While a president had been elected into office by enticing the citizens of this land that he is "The Hope and Change" America needs to move forward. 

Meanwhile, he has been in office for five years and continues to actually change America bringing it down to its knees in deep debt that only China can bail us out and one day, if we are not stable will take over these United States turning it into a communist country. 

The kind of changed this president was talking about is so un-American.  So un-heard of in the entire U.S. History. 

Somehow he forced and retro-fit a socialist healthcare system that continues to fail with only 2.4 million people enlisting into this European style and failed healthcare system.  
He changed the minds of American traditionalist and the base of Christian morals that were intended and ideal from the beginning of our existence,  injecting false equality in our society, by trickle-down economics and acknowledgement with social benefits to same sex marriage.  Obama supports abortion calling it “women’s’ choice” and pushes religious groups who are against the killing to pay for these abortions and commit murder to partial born children.
He tries to degrade Christianity and promotes equality to Islamic radicles. He is known to embed and aid the Muslim brotherhood who are indeed against American ideology.   

With the video below, you can see how Barack H. Obama injects his un-American equalities to the people of the U.S.

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