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Friday, October 10, 2014


My oh my has the democratic party changed since President Grover Cleveland.

They get this black guy from Chicago who they say was born in Hawaii and known to be just a big mouth  “community organizer” pushed him up in the ranks as a Illinois Senator because of his talent to lie and deceive voters and from there and without enough experience to even understand what America is and what demands and rights the citizens of the United States have.  

Today we have chaos and even more so racial tensions and more and more unemployed with the deficit hitting way above average and at least $7Billion above the previous administration by forcing taxpayers to buy into a socialist medical insurance created by the government leaving the poor even more poor and the rich paying for the lazy and falling economy driven unemployment.  It’s call control people!  It’s dictatorship in disguise.  It’s communism with total government control. 

Here they glorify a woman who committed voter fraud by falsifying votes for Barack Hussein Obama’s second term.  She is only one person they found – thus far.  I bet while we all scratch our heads in how this lousy guy from Chicago come in and win two terms when the first term was a disaster and non-American values being immigrated from “his father idea” (to bankrupt America.) 

As an ex-Democrat – I will never ever vote for another lying cheating democrat again!   We all know what they are trying to do to America and it has been working.  But I believe we as Americans can defeat these dictator wanna-bees!
They are constantly trying to find a way to abolish your rights.  From the right to Religion to owning a gun.  Not to mention your freedom of speech!   All signs of Hitlerism or  Communism.

These coming elections are very crucial for the survival of America as we used to know it…. If they continue to win the office, we better be prepared for a HUGE revolution and many will die trying to protect our rights verses the invaders of the office.
It’s up to you America.  Do you want to be like the third world?  If you said yes.  Go and live at a third world country for a year and tell me you want that kind of life!

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